Non-Core Subjects.

This term we have moved on to the non core subjects which are: Art, Design and Technology, RE, History, Geography, Modern Foreign Languages, and PE. So I'll be posting updates and reflections on them when I have the chance :)

It's been an interesting term so far as we have been doing Art, Design and Technology, Geography and RE and had four sessions of each. Personally I think that this is a good introduction to the foundation subjects but I feel we need more seminars in terms of how teaching these subjects which are not our specialisms would be approached in different schools. So far I've found most of the sessions useful and feel more confident a little if I were to teach any of these subjects, although admittedly I'm more comfortable with the creative subjects such as Art and DT as these subjects I am used to have have a wide subject knowledge of.

We are now on a printing project in our specialism Art but have covered pictorial posters and illustration so far this term and have only been back for a month! But more on these in later posts :)

In March we have our assignments to hand in completed for both Art specialism which is our portfolio of work, personal and professional files and then also whichever assessment mode we choose to pick, for our Foundation subjects we also have an assignment which is based on the saturation week which we have in school in a couple of weeks time. So I will try my best to get this blog up to date in the next couple of weeks as I have fallen behind with posting some reflections.


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